Toriqoel. Sixth Principles of Education According to Ahli, Ada Ki Hajar Dewantara-John Dewey
The concept of education encompasses more than just the process of learning in a classroom; it also emphasizes character development, enhancing knowledge, keterampilan, and other factors that make people become better people.
Pendidikan can be defined as a systematic process for transmitting knowledge, skills, norms, and values to the following generation. In this situation, education plays a critical role in helping students develop their self-awareness and help them understand their immediate surroundings.
Adapted from the book Guru Hebat: The Millenial Era by I Luh Aqnez Sylvia, SS, STh, MSi, dk, istilah pendidikan berasal from the Yunani language, i.e. "pedagogik" with a strong focus on teaching knowledge to children.
In contrast, Roma people today still view education as primarily an educational endeavor or as a means of fostering hope for the potential of children who are sent out into the world on a regular basis.
Education covers many levels, from formal education such as school and college to informal learning such as everyday social experiences.
According to Law Number 20 of 2003, education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop the potential for religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and skills. . needs himself and society. , nation and state.
To better understand the importance of education, let's look at the importance of education according to the following experts:
Definition of education according to experts
The father of Indonesian education is famous for his motto "Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa, Tut Wuri Handyaani". Ki Hajar Dewantara defines education as an effort to advance moral education (inner strength and character), spiritual and physical growth. According to him, the goals of education are divided into three, namely. forms a rounded character, increases brain intelligence and achieves physical health.
2. Herman H Horne
According to Horne, education is a continuous process of adapting people who have developed physically and spiritually to move to a higher level. Humans also have freedom and awareness which are realized intellectually, emotionally and humanly in the nature around them.
3. H Fuad Ihsan
Fuad Ihsan in his book "Basics of Education" defines education as a human effort to foster and develop both physical and spiritual potential in accordance with the values prevailing in society and culture. This aims to create existing values and norms so that they can be preserved for the next generation. The aim is to improve people's standard of living.
4. John Dewey
John Dewey explained the importance of education as a process that develops fundamental intellectual and emotional skills in relation to nature and fellow humans.
5. Redja Mudyahardjo
According to Redja Mudyahardjo, the meaning of education is divided into three, namely narrow, broad and alternative. The narrow understanding of education refers to all learning experiences that occur in the environment and throughout life (long-term education), while the broad understanding of education refers to the whole of life.
Alternatively, the definition of education is defined as all influences on children and adolescents that are imparted to them so that they are capable and fully aware of their social relationships.
Education is a process that aims to influence students so that they can adapt to their environment as well as possible so as to bring about changes in themselves so that they are able to function as a whole in social life.